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This package includes a complete Meta Business account setup or optimization and asset connection.


Meta Business Suite is a set of tools and features provided by the Meta platform (formerly known as Facebook) that is designed to help businesses establish and maintain a professional presence on the platform. This suite includes a range of features such as advertising tools, analytics, messaging, content management, and more.

Meta Business Suite enables businesses to create and manage business pages, advertise their products or services to a targeted audience, track engagement and performance metrics, and engage with customers through messaging and comments. It is an essential tool for businesses looking to leverage the reach and potential of the Meta platform to promote their brand, increase engagement, and drive sales.

This package includes a complete Meta Business account setup or optimization and asset connection.

  • Meta Business Account Creation
  • Meta Advertising Account Creation
  • Business Information Completion
  • Facebook Page Connection
  • Instagram Page Connection
  • Whatsapp Business Connection

Intelligent Recommendations

From £500.00
(Payment In Full)

  • 10 Posts Per Week (1 Month)

  • 5 Social Media Channels

  • Community Engagement

  • Custom Graphic Design

  • Basic Support/Advice

  • Half Price Photography

  • Half Price Video Production

From £180.00
(Payment In Full)

£180.00 monthly
  • Up to 50 product uploads a month

From £75.00
(Payment In Full)

£180.00 monthly
  • Facebook Page Creation/Optimisation

  • Username creation

  • About Page Setup

  • Services Setup

  • Basic Banner Creation & Upload

  • Logo Upload