Artificial Intelligence For Business Automation

Enhancing and future proofing businesses through the use of existing and emerging technologies. Pioneering innovative solutions combining cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things technologies with web-based systems.

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Automate Your Business
With Cutting Edge Technology Solutions

CogniTech Systems LTD is your partner in digital transformation. Our mission is to empower businesses of all sizes with cutting-edge technology solutions that drive efficiency, innovation and growth. Leveraging the power of Generative Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things, and conventional web and software solutions, we provide tailored solutions and services that automate and streamline your critical business processes.

Our platform, TMS ISA, is a revolutionary generative AI platform that streamlines business automation processes for companies of all sizes, powered by cutting-edge generative artificial intelligence technology. TMS ISA is a centralized control panel, enabling teams to streamline workflows, automate repetitive tasks, and make data-driven decisions, ultimately boosting productivity and efficiency across the organization.

Modern technologies have changed the way the world does business, we aim to transform and future-proof businesses by leveraging existing and emerging technologies.

Automate and streamline your business with TMS ISA, our cutting-edge generative AI powered platform. Take advantage of our out-of-the-box solutions or leverage our custom software development services to meet your unique business needs.

Your Trusted Technology Partner

CogniTech Systems is a leading software company based in North Wales, pioneering advanced solutions to help businesses adapt and compete in the modern world. We specialize in Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), and more traditional technologies such as website development, and eCommerce development.

We partner with businesses and help them learn how to utilize modern technologies to not only become self sufficient in the digital era, but to thrive. We provide the tools and the training to help businesses adapt to the connected era and drive their business forward.

Our adept team consists of skilled professionals, including designers, software developers, and IT specialists. We seamlessly integrate our collective knowledge and expertise to produce exceptional designs and strategies tailored to your business's needs, and train you how to utilize them to future proof your business.


Generative AI Platform For Business Automation

TMSISA is an innovative AI-driven platform designed to enhance business automation for organizations of varying sizes. Utilizing the most advanced generative AI technologies, it provides seamless integration with top-tier models such as OpenAI GPT 4, OpenAI GPT 4o, Anthropic Claude 3, Cohere Command R+, AI21 Lab's Jurassic-2 Ultra, and AWS Titan. Essentially serving as a unified management dashboard, TMSISA facilitates the efficient handling of content management systems, business administrative systems, and IoT networks. Its sophisticated business AI capabilities enable teams to optimize workflows, automate routine tasks, and leverage data for decision-making, thereby elevating productivity and improving organizational efficiency.

Powered By The World's Best Large Language Models

TMS ISA integrates world-class large language models to drive advanced business automation solutions. These advanced models enable TMS ISA to process and understand vast amounts of data, facilitating more efficient decision-making, enhancing productivity, and delivering personalized customer experiences.


IntelliStore Intelligent eCommerce

Intelligent eCommerce Solutions

IntelliStore Intelligent eCommerce Solutions offer an unparalleled shopping experience through the power of AI. Our platform features voice recognition and speech synthesis, allowing for a seamless, hands-free, and personalized shopping encounter. Customers can easily interact with your store in a more natural way. Designed for success, IntelliStore helps boost sales, reduce cart abandonment, and optimize your resources, making it the ultimate solution for ambitious eCommerce businesses.

Artificially Intelligent Solutions for eCommerce & Retail

Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing the way we do business, from making intelligent business decisions, to automating day-to-day business activities. Adopting modern technologies is crucial for businesses if they want to be able to compete. eCommerce has emerged as a titan of the digital realm, generating billions and revolutionizing the way we shop, but now, a new era begins, bringing the next generation of eCommerce, Artificially Intelligent eCommerce.

Artificial Intelligence Development

AI development services have emerged as a powerful catalyst for businesses seeking to thrive in the connected era. These services encompass a wide array of cutting-edge technologies, including computer vision, natural language understanding, and predictive analysis. Our AI development team is a highly skilled and dedicated group of experts, specializing in custom AI development. With a deep understanding of cutting-edge technologies and a proven track record of delivering tailored solutions, they are committed to helping businesses harness the power of AI to achieve their specific goals and drive innovation.

Supported AI Platforms

Our talented AI development team can create custom solutions developed from the ground up, or we can build them based on popular AI platforms.


Our Artificial Intelligence Development Tech Stack


Internet of Things Development

IoT (Internet of Things) is the transformative technology that connects the physical and digital worlds, offering businesses unprecedented opportunities for efficiency, innovation, and growth. At CogniTech Systems LTD, we understand the pivotal role of IoT in modern business. Our IoT services empower organizations to harness the power of data, optimize operations, and deliver exceptional customer experiences. From smart devices and real-time analytics to seamless connectivity, our IoT solutions provide the competitive edge that businesses need in this connected era. Embrace the future with CogniTech Systems LTD and unlock the full potential of IoT for your enterprise.

Our IoT Development Tech Stack


Supported IoT Platforms Include:

Our talented IoT development team can create custom solutions developed from the ground up, or we can build them based on popular IoT platforms.


Azure IoT Hub

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization is the process of improving your website's visibility on search engines like Google and Bing. By optimizing various elements of your site, such as content and technical setup, SEO helps your site rank higher in search results. This increased visibility means more potential customers can find your website when they search for relevant keywords or phrases. We offer comprehensive SEO services aimed at improving your website's visibility on search engines like Google and Bing. Powered by our proprietary SEO Console, we optimize technical, on-site, and content aspects of your site. Our platform provides advanced insights and analytics to streamline optimization strategies, ensuring high search engine performance. From addressing technical issues to refining on-site elements and creating engaging content, we deliver tailored solutions that drive tangible results, boosting your online visibility and organic traffic.

Supported Search Engines


Web & Software Development

Our in-house development team offers a comprehensive range of services, including responsive web design and development, eCommerce solutions, content management systems, business administration systems, and mobile applications. With a focus on user experience and results-driven solutions, our developers bring their expertise and technical proficiency to deliver custom-tailored digital products that meet the unique needs of our clients. Whether you need a new website, an online store, or a custom app, our team has the skills and experience to bring your vision to life.

Secure the future of your business with CogniTech Systems eCommerce

The world is online, to thrive businesses must go where their customers are. eCommerce lets you connect with a global audience. Join the digital revolution and secure the future of your business with CogniTech Systems eCommerce.

Flexible Licensing

We pride ourselves on being transparent and flexible with our licensing. Find out more about our how we license our products and services...

Join The Team

Are you're ready to channel your passion for technology and sales into something extraordinary? Apply to join our team as an independent sales contractor, and help enhance businesses through modern technology and innovation.