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eCommerce Store Plugin, designed to your specific requirements.


The eCommerce store plugin is a great way to add E-Commerce functionality to your existing Innov8 Digital Media website. The plugin integrates with your existing design and allows you to upload and sell products directly from your website.

The eCommerce Store management system allows you to create categories and upload products to those categories that will be displayed in the Store section of your website. There is no limit on how many categories and products you can upload to the system other than the restrictions of your hosting package. 

This addon comes with the ability to:

  • Manage the store core settings such as core tax and meta settings for SEO.
  • Upload, modify and copy store categories.
  • Upload, modify and copy store products.
  • Create discount coupons.
  • Create discounted x for x offers.
  • Manage store policies including shipping and refunds policies.
  • Manage countries and zones you want to sell to.
  • Manage your tax rates/zones and classes.
  • Manage your shipping zones and rates.
  • Manage your payment methods.
  • Manage your clients.
  • Manage your orders.
  • Manage payments.
  • Manage reviews.

The store comes with the integration for the following payment merchants, plus additional merchants can be integrated at an additional cost:

  • PayPal
  • Stripe
  • VivaWallet

This package seamlessly integrates with your existing design, and you can easily request your own functionality to be added during the development process.


Our eCommerce systems to do not include data import or content creation.

  • eCommerce Store Plugin
  • eCommerce Management UI
  • Integration With Stripe/PayPal & VivaWallet Payment Gateway

Intelligent Recommendations

From £500.00
(Payment In Full)

  • 10 Posts Per Week (1 Month)

  • 5 Social Media Channels

  • Community Engagement

  • Custom Graphic Design

  • Basic Support/Advice

  • Half Price Photography

  • Half Price Video Production

From £180.00
(Payment In Full)

£180.00 monthly
  • Up to 50 product uploads a month

From £550.00
£180.00 monthly
  • eCommerce Services Plugin

  • eCommerce Management UI

  • Integration With Stripe Payment Gateway